How We Help — Cancer Treatment Navigator
Helping to improve patient survival with emerging therapies

How We Help

Faster Access to Novel Treatment


Cancer Treatment Navigator provides the following services:

  • Find the best possible treatment option for one cancer patient at a time, based on scientific and clinical criteria.
  • Decipher difficult to understand medical diagnosis and pathology reports and thus help decrease feelings of shock and anxiety in people facing a new cancer diagnosis.
  • Explain the basics of cancer disease-mechanisms, staging, and prognosis in easy to understand lay-term language.
  • Save valuable time by researching and reviewing the plethora of treatment information, medical literature, available clinical trials and other online-information.
  • Provide a personalized summary of this information that will help the patient in making an informed treatment decision.
  • Help in selecting the best available Medical Oncologist and Cancer Center based on publication records, clinical, and research credentials.
  • Accompany the patient to physician appointments to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of information received.
  • Provide insurance claim-assistance by establishing medical necessity for a promising treatment with evidence-based clinical data.
  • As appropriate, work directly with drug companies, research facilities, physicians and regulators to enable compassionate drug use based on single-patient treatment protocols.
  • Provide ongoing support to increase your productivity during initial testing, diagnosis and treatment period, giving hope, and help save you valuable time for things that matter most: Family & Friends.

Cancer Treatment Navigator does NOT provide the following services: 

  • Practice medicine (including, but not limited to: ordering routine tests, making a diagnosis, prescribing medications and administering actual treatment).
  • Interact with health insurance companies.
  • Schedule physician appointments.

Dr. Stecher presents an overview of how we can apply principles behind immunotherapy to address cancer at the Ocular Melanoma Foundation.